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Isolate number | VURV-V 46.2
Virus name | Prunus necrotic ringspot virus, Romania
Virus type | Plant
Nucleic acid type | RNA
Virus name abbreviation | PNRSV-Rom
Genus | Ilarvirus
Family | Bromoviridae
Nomencl. status | Pathotype
Host organism | Prunus cerasifera BN4Kr
Disease | Prunus necrotic ringspot
Propagation host | Prunus cerasifera
Preservation remarks | live plants of Prunus spp.
Form of supply | grafts
Isolated by | doc.Ing.J.Polák,DrSc.
Isolated in (year) | 2014
Determined by | Ing.P.Komínek,Ph.D.
Determined in (year) | 2014
Depositor | Ing.J.Svoboda,Ph.D.
Deposited in (year) | 2014
Geographic origin | Czech Republic
Literature | Polák J. & Komínek P. (2014) Evaluation of rootstocks of stone fruits for resistance to natural Plum pox virus infection. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 36:1, 116-120, DOI:
Ben Mansour, K.; Komínek, P.; Komínková, M.; Brožová, J. Characterization of Prunus Necrotic Virus and Cherry Virus A Infecting Myrobalan Rootstock. Viruses-Basel, 2023, 15, 8.