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Isolate number | VURV-V 10.5
Virus name | Plum pox virus, PPV-Rec
Virus type | Plant
Nucleic acid type | RNA
Virus name abbreviation | PPV-Rec(Recombinant)
Genus | Potyvirus
Family | Potyviridae
Nomencl. status | Genotype
Host organism | Prunus spp.
Disease | plum pox (sharka)
Propagation host | Prunus spp.
Preservation remarks | živé rostliny Prunus spp.
Form of supply | grafts
Isolated by | Ing. P. Komínek, Ph.D.
Isolated in (year) | 2006
Determined by | Ing. P. Komínek, Ph.D.
Determined in (year) | 2007
Depositor | Ing. P. Komínek, Ph.D.
Deposited in (year) | 2007
Geographic origin | Crop Researche Institute, Praha - Ruzyně
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Literature | Polák J., Krška B., Pívalová J., Svoboda J.: Apricot cultivars ‘Harlayne‘ and ‘Betinka‘ were proved to be highly resistant to the six different strains and isolates of Plum pox virus (PPV). Phytopathologia Polonica, 2005, 36, p. 53-59.
Polák J., Pívalová J., Svoboda J.: Prune cv. Jojo resistance to different strains of Plum pox virus. Plant Protect. Sci., 2005, 41 (2), p. 47 - 51.
Singh et al. 2021. Long-Term Efficacy and Safety of RNAi-Mediated Virus Resistance in ‘HoneySweet’ Plum. Front. Plant Sci. 12:726881. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.726881.
Dedikace: LH15105