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Isolate number | VURV-V 30.1
Virus name | Pepper mild mottle virus, Ostrava strain
Virus type | Plant
Nucleic acid type | RNA
Virus name abbreviation | PMMoV-O
Genus | Tobamovirus
Family | Virgaviridae
Nomencl. status | Genotype
Host organism | Capsicum annuum
Disease | Pepper mild mottle
Propagation host | Capsicum frutescens cv.Tabasco
Preservation remarks | freeze-drying/cryopreservation
Form of supply | lyophilisate
Isolated by | Ing. J. Svoboda
Isolated in (year) | 2002
Determined by | Ing. G. Červená
Determined in (year) | 2003
Depositor | Ing. J. Svoboda
Deposited in (year) | 2003
Geographic origin | Ostrava, Krásné Pole, CR
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Literature | Svoboda J., Červená G., Rodová J., Jokeš M. (2006): First report of Pepper mild mottle virus in pepper seeds produced in the Czech Republic, Plant Protect. Sci. 42(1): 34-37.