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Strain number | VURV-B 184
Genus | Bacillus
Species | subtilis
Strain name | 20S2(16)
Organism type | Bacteria
Author | (Ehrenberg 1835) Cohn 1872
Form of storage | deep frozen culture-90°C,freeze dried culture
Form of supply | culture on solid medium
Restrictions | none
Isolated by | Korba
Isolated in (year) | 2004
Isolated from | apple, lesion on main branch
Determined by | Krejzar - FAME, Biolog GENIII
Determined in (year) | 2005
Depositor | Krejzarová
Deposited in (year) | 2007
Geographic origin | Czech Republic - Slaný
Pathogenicity | saproph. bac. accomp. caus.agent of fire blight
Medium used | medium C
Growth conditions | aerobic
Light conditions | +
Temperature conditions | 25°C
Applications | agriculturally beneficial strain