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Strain number | VURV-B 043
Genus | Agrobacterium
Species | radiobacter
Strain name | VULP2/2
Organism type | bacteria
Author | (Beijerinck and van Delden 1902) Conn 1942 emend. Zhang et al. 2014
Form of storage | deep frozen culture -90°C, freeze-dried culture
Form of supply | culture on solid medium
Restrictions | none
Isolated by | Pánková
Isolated in (year) | 2010
Isolated from | grapevine xylem liquid
Determined by | Pánková - Biolog, FAME analysis, SA test, Bacteriology department
Determined in (year) | 2010
Depositor | Pánková - deep freezer, Bacteriology department, CropResInsti
Deposited in (year) | 2010
Geographic origin | Czech Republic, Polešovice
Pathogenicity | path. on grapevine, nonvirulent on tomato plants
Medium used | MPA medium, YDC medium
Growth conditions | aerobic
Light conditions | +
Temperature conditions | 28°C
Applications | induce grown gall tumors
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Literature | Pánková I, Krejzar V, Kůdela V, Ackermann P, 2011. Indukce mrazového poškození révy vinné INA+ bakteriemi ve spojitosti s následnou tumorogenenzí rodu Agrobacterium, Úroda 2012:247-251
Remarks | picture - crown gall - grapevine