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Strain number | VURV-B 126
Genus | Clavibacter
Species | insidiosus
Strain name | Cmi x 23
Organism type | Bacteria
Author | (McCulloch 1925) Davis, Gillaspie, Vidaver and Harris 1984
Form of storage | deep frozen culture-90°C,freeze dried culture
Form of supply | bacterial culture on solid medium
Restrictions | restrict. distribution, regulated harmful organism
Isolated by | Krejzar
Isolated in (year) | 2005
Isolated from | vascular vessels of lucerne
Determined by | Pánková - Biolog, FAME analysis, SA test, PCR, Bacteriology department
Determined in (year) | 2005
Depositor | Krejzarová - deep freezer, Bacteriology department, CropResInsti
Deposited in (year) | 2005
Geographic origin | Czech Republic, Bohemia
Pathogenicity | bacterial wilt oflucerne
Medium used | C-medium
Growth conditions | aerobic
Light conditions | +
Temperature conditions | 21°C
Applications | antigen, pathogenicity test